Sunday, March 27, 2011

Final Thoughts

I was very excited to start this class. I hoped I would learn some new things about technology and incorporating them into my classroom. This class exceeded my expectations and I was excited about incorporating blogs. I enjoyed using blogs and learning how to put power points and documents on them. This class was harder than I originally thought it was going to be. However, I am excited to use what I learned in my classroom. I am also proud of what I was able to do on my blog and I am interested in learning more about blogs. I was also surprised to learn about the star chart and learn that the data is available to everyone. I also learned about my district long-range technology plan and how my district plans to integrate technology into instruction.
My achievements exceeded my expectation in the course. I planned on learning about how technology can enhance instruction and how school leaders can facilitate this at their school. I learned more than I expected in this class. I learned how blogs could be utilized to organize information and serve as a communication tool between students and teachers. I learned that blogs can hold information such as power points and documents. I also learned about the technology plans for Texas and Irving and how the star chart information helps assess the integration of technology in the classrooms and schools. I also learned how to create an action plan for technology. As a future administrator it is important for me to know how to create an action plan to help teachers and the school reach their goals.
This course taught me many things about my technology skills and myself. I learned that technology is not always easy to learn but can make things easier and more organized. I really enjoyed using the blog and having all the reflections and projects in the same place. I also learned that technology is not always easy and I enjoy trying to figure things out. When I was finished with my action plan I was trying to put it on my blog. It took me over two hours to get it like I wanted but I was very pleased I figured it out and did not give up. I enjoy technology and how to use different things like glogs or blogs with students. I also learned that with technology you have to always be willing to learn something new because it changes so often. With an open mind and a willingness to learn, technology can help me incorporate 21st century skills into my classroom.

Web Conference Reflection for 3/27/11

Today I had the opportunity to participate in my first web conference. I was excited to finally get on after trying over four times. I was surprised that no one had a camera except for the host. I enjoyed reading what other people had to say and reading comments from other classmates. The feed was a little hard to keep up with but not impossible. I liked being able to scroll back and read the questions that others had. I liked that there was only about 26 people in the conference. It helped me follow the conversation and participate in the conversation. I am a little sad that during my whole time with Lamar, this was my first time to utilize the web conference feature. I think back on certain classes and wish I had used this feature then. It would have helped with confusion over certain assignments and topics. I blame myself for not trying something new and for not knowing what the web conference outcomes were. This is a great feature that helps classmates interact with each other and helps answer any questions or clarifications that students might need. This should be a mandatory task for every student’s first class. I enjoyed participating and learned how to use a new technology tool.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Star chart Presentation

Check out this SlideShare Presentation:

Thoughts on the National Educational Technology Plan

The National Educational Technology Plan: Transforming American Education: Learning Powered by Technology was published in November 2010. The Department of Education was guided by the world we live in to develop goals that will help us create a world where all learners are successful. The Internet and technology have entered almost every aspect of our lives and there is a great need for educators to utilize these technologies and share them with students. The plan list many reasons for educators to change but a significant one is that America needs build an education system that allows for more college graduates. In the plan, the goal for learning is “All learners will have engaging and empowering learning experience both in and out of school that prepare them to be active, creative, knowledgeable, and ethical participants in our globally networked society.” Our teaching must be powered by technology and mirror the world around our students so that learning can effectively take place. The goal for teaching states “professional educators will be supported individually and in teams by technology that connects them to data, content, resources, expertise, and learning experiences that can empower and inspire them to provide more effective teaching for all students.” In order to achieve these goals, the plan outlines many actions that will help us achieve our goals. In order for teachers to be effective instructors they must have access to professional developments. The plan recommends that technology used be an integral part of teaching methods courses. We cannot expect students to utilize technology if we as educators haven’t embraced it. 

Progress on the Long-Range Plan for Technology

The Long-Range Plan for Technology has been in exsistance since 1988. Many technolgies and capabilities have emerged since the orginal plan. Texas has had many areas of growth in regards to technology while new goals and plans have been set in place. One of the areas indicated on the Long-Range Plan for Technology is teaching and learning. 25% of all campuses are at the Advanced Tech level and .9% are at the Target Tech level. The Advanced level had a five percent inprovement from in the years 2006-2008 while the Target Tech level remained the same. The majority of schools are at the Developing Tech level. In the area of Educator Preparation and Development slight gains were made from September 2006 to August 2008. There was no growth in the Developing Tech and Target Tech area while Advanced Target had a 3% improvement. The majority of teachers reported to be at the Developing Tech level. In the area of Leadership, Administration and Instructional Support gains were made at both the Target Tech level and Advanced Level. There was a decrease in the early tech level and developing tech level which is indicative of schools moving towards higher levels. There was a 6% increase in the amount of campuses reporting at the Advanced Tech level. The area of Infrustrucure for Technology is the area with the greatest success. The majority of campuses report to be at the Advanced Tech level with a 4% increase in this area. In 2008 only 1% of schools report to be at the Early Tech level. This is important because witout a successful infrastructure in place, technology integration will not effectively take place. 

Infrastructure for Technology

The Texas Long Range Plan for Technology, 2006-2020 is an extensive plan committed to helping students be successful life long learners in the 21st century. There are four main areas of the plan. One of the areas is Infrastrucure for Technology. Infrasture for Technology is districts and campuses ability to support a structure needed to produce learners with the technology skills needed in the 21st century. In order for districts and classrooms to provide a rich tecnhology environment for students, they must have the tecnhology, support and resources to do so. The majority of the campuses rated themselves at the Advanced Tech level on the STaR chart in Infrustructure. Texas is showing continuing improvement in this area with only 1.1% reporting the Early Tech level in 2009-2010. From 2008-2009 there was a .1% decrease in reporting of teachers and campuses who were at the Early Tech level. This is indicative of teachers and campuses reaching higher levels. The Long-Range Plan for Technology has a National Broadband Plan which strives to increase the amount of U.S. homes that have access to broadband services. I think each district and the state should strive for Goal number four under the Broadband Plan which is giving access broadband services for communities at places such as schools, hospitals, and government buildings. I believe that every person should have some access to broadband services and should be able to utilize these services with regards to education and jobs. I think it is a shame when you consider all the American people who do not have any access to the internet and what it has to offer them.